Hi! I’m Mel Peachey
Listen, I know being a Mom is hard because I am one! I have a 2 year old son and another one on the way! Motherhood has challenged me in ways I could have never imagined and while it has been the hardest transition of my life it has also been the most rewarding!
I am passionate about helping women transition into motherhood to become their healthiest, fittest, and most confident selves.
From pregnancy to labour and delivery, breastfeeding and postpartum - I have been through it all and I want to help you navigate this incredibly vulnerable time. There is no reason you can’t become a Mom AND be stronger and more confident in your body than ever you just need the right tools for success and I am here to help with that!
I have worked hard to earn the fitness industry’s top credentials to make sure I am providing my clients with the best evidence-based training advice available. I have a Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Sciences and an Honours Bachelor of Science Degree in Kinesiology both from McMaster University. I am a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength & Conditioning Association and Certified Exercise Physiologist through the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. I am also a Certified Postnatal Fitness Specialist!
I work with women at any stage of life but I am particularly interested in working with you if you are thinking of conceiving soon, are already expecting or just need helping making fitness a priority in your otherwise hectic Mom life!
Interested in working together? Let’s chat about what that could look like!